durmaz & koc - trading oil system


We participated in Logitrans 2023 with the companies DKV and Schwarzmüller, of which we are distributors. - 03.03.2024 - 23:51
We participated in Logitrans 2023 with the companies DKV and Schwarzmüller, of which we are distributors.

We attended the Logitrans fair held in November 2022 - 24.11.2022 - 23:14
We attended the Logitrans fair held in November 2022, we introduced our new cooperation with DKV and we received good feedback from our guests.

With our renewed station, we started to offer a more diverse and higher quality service. - 10.08.2022 - 22:05
The renovations at our station have been completed, and we are starting to offer services to our customers using DKV, IDS and As24 cards.

Our construction site continues - 02.06.2022 - 22:23
Our tanks are buried and our installation is being prepared. We are continuing our efforts to put our refurbished station into service at the end of June.

Our renovation has begun - 17.04.2022 - 14:57
Our station, which we aim to complete at the end of June, will also begin to serve you in good conditions.

We participated in the Logitrans fair held in Istanbul between 10-12 November 2021 - 17.11.2021 - 00:23
We participated in the Logitrans fair held in Istanbul between 10-12 November 2021 with our companies Durmaz Custom Spedition and Durmaz & Koc Oil Trading GmbH.

We made our first investment in September 2020 by purchasing a truck station in Arnoldstein Austria - 27.09.2020 - 10:18
Our company made its first investment by purchasing Arnoldstein, Villach, Austria truck station in September 2020

Our company was established in Salzburg in May 2020 - 21.09.2020 - 11:56
Our company was established in Salzburg in May 2020

DURMAZ - Customs Services & Consulting GmbH
Kort Akaryakıt A.Ş.
İzmit Akaryakıt A.Ş.






Durmaz & Koc | Oil Trading GmbH

Innsbrucker-Bundesstr. 126 A-5020
Salzburg - AUSTRIA

Telefon +43 699 1717 2727